Friday, October 19, 2007

Baby Cowie - We Love You Already!

We had our 20-week ultrasound today and it was amazing!! Baby Cowie moved all around, and we captured great photos of his or her foot, hand and little profile. Mark and I both had tears in our eyes. It was perfect!! I'm trying to post the photos as quickly as Mark can scan them in. I'll write and post more photos soon!

Thursday, October 18, 2007


It's raining outside, and I wish we could be anywhere but in Missouri right now. Mexico sounds nice. Spain even better. Mark and I have been craving a week on the beach, which we know is selfish since we were in Greece just a few months ago. What a wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime trip! Thank you Mom and Dad!! I think it comes down to we just love to travel. Ever since my six months in Spain, I've been addicted. After introducing Mark to Europe for the first time - just days after we were engaged we headed off for a 2-week trip to Italy - we've both been obsessed, at times, with planning that next big European adventure. Our next trip (we're on a 3-year plan) is Spain in summer 2010 - the year I turn 30! I can't wait! But I do have to wait. So, until then ... I guess I'll just have to settle with happy hour tonight at Baja 600 ...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Our Anniversary!

The proud parents celebrated our 3-year anniversary yesterday with a positive visit to the doctor - Baby Cowie's heart is beating at a whopping 157 beats per minute - and takeout from our favorite restaurant, Accurso's. Now that I'm pregnant, I tend to eat all of my food, not leaving Mark with any leftovers, but last night - in honor of our anniversary - I tried really hard to control myself : ) Of course, after dinner, I pulled out the wedding veil and tiara - I can't help it - and made Mark pose for pictures we could share with the baby once he or she is here. It wasn't a glamorous evening out, but it was just what we wanted.

I can't believe three years has already passed since our wedding - Oct. 16, 2004! What a wonderful day, weekend, three years. It's so nice to know a beautiful wedding has turned into a beautiful marriage. I hope all my friends and family can be as lucky.

OK, so enough about us. How about that Baby! We have our 20-week ultrasound on Friday! 2:30 p.m. I will post pictures as soon as I can. We're both so excited to see the baby, even though we won't find out the sex. I hope he or she has Mark's dimples and nose, my eyes and smile. And, of course, our main concern is that the baby is as healthy as can be! But we - make that I - can't help but be a little superficial. A cute baby would definitely be a plus!