Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Skinny Jeans?!

Seriously, I'm so emotional and nostalgic today. My girls are really, truly growing up. No, that doesn't mean I want another ... yet, but it does make me stop and appreciate the little "baby" things they still do/say. Do I really want them growing up? I mean, look at Evie in her skinny jeans - doesn't she look like she makes more money than I do?! Can you not imagine her with a boyfriend and a career and an apartment on the Plaza?! And Evie has started telling me,  "Mommy, trees don't talk." Of course they don't, but isn't it fun to make believe? Hello! How did you get so mature all of a sudden? I say this after a day of temper tantrums and constant calls for "Mommy," but still ... she is growing up. No doubt about it. Proof? No more binky. That's right, we packaged up all our binkies and gave them to baby Charlie. We're going on 6 days now without a binky and no one (me) has lost her mind. See, Plaza living is just around the corner ...

OK, OK, I'm being dramatic ... again! Where do my girls get it from?! So, yes, Evie is only 2 and Nora just 1 - plenty of time to be little girls, like today on the carousel at the mall (thanks rain for ruining out outdoor play date!) Notice Nora's oh-so-attractive scab on her nose. Lovely, just lovely.

Oh my girls, I love you to pieces!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Growing Up

Nora wants to be so like her big sister Evie, we just had to get her a backpack too! Our little girl is growing up ... or trying to really hard anyways. She's getting pretty fast on her feet and learning to "twirl" like her big sister too. She still has about 4 months before she can start mother's day out, but when she's old enough, she'll be ready. You should see the adorable owl lunch box to go with her backpack. Thank you Yiayia and Papou!

PS. You probably notice the empty room Nora is walking into - yes, we've been in our house for a year now and still don't have furniture for our "formal" living room. I have more ideas/plans than money at the moment, so until then, it has become the girls' most frequented room in our house, perfect for spinning, singing and dancing - all our favorite activities!

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Sweetest

This melts my heart - my girls hugging their Daddy on his first day back to work after a wonderful summer all of us together. Evie was so sweet saying: "Can I go with you, Daddy?" and I need another hug" and (our favorite) "We love you Daddy." We all enjoyed having Mark around this summer - the pool, Deanna Rose farm, lunches on the Plaza ... what great memories! Looking forward to next summer already - we love you!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

"Just Like Mommy"

Should I be concerned that Evie thinks she looks "just like Mommy?!"