Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine's Day and Other February Fun

My parents - Yiayia and Papou to the girls - gave Mark and me a very wonderful Valentine's gift - a weekend to ourselves! While Evie and Nora enjoyed lots of quality time in Nixa, Mark and I slept in, ate lunch and shopped on the Plaza, met friends for drinks (and gelato!) and just enjoyed peace and quiet - plus a remarkably clean home - for two whole days and nights!

Mark and I on a night out with good friends Maggie and Mike
  Once the girls returned though, it was time to celebrate Valentine's Day for the kiddos. We made muffins and surprised the girls with Dora balloons and Olivia dolls.

Nora with a muffin ... on top of the kitchen table

What the girls woke up to Valentine's morning

Enjoying morning milk, muffins, TV and their new Olivia dolls. You can even see the ribbons for the balloons. Kids are so easy to please!
The girls are really growing up. Evie loves to play with her babies, taking them shopping, feeding them, putting them to sleep, basically pretending to be a Mommy. I often hear her call them "Schnookie" - my term of endearment - and also putting them in time out! Evie also goes straight to Nora's room every morning when they both wake up. I often find them in there together, Evie reading Nora a book and both having a great time together. Thank goodness Nora is still in her crib! Evie also loves her dance class and says "plie" all the time, doing her ballet moves around the house. The recital is May 12. Oh my. Here are some more pictures from the month.
Nora really loves art now - just like Evie! Unfortunately, she likes to color on anything and everything, including her face, my office chair, the walls ...

Here's Evie at the church library. Her Yiayia, Great Yiayia, Papou and Aunt Melina took her one morning, and she picked out her accessories. She's been wearing rain boots all winter and has just recently asked for necklaces to go with her outfits too.