Saturday, July 24, 2010

Big Sisters

Evie's friend Chloe is about to be a big sister - here are the two in their "big sister" shirts today. I'm sure Evie has some amazing advice to give - HA!

Good luck Chloe (and Sarah and Dwayne) on the new arrival, coming this August ...!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Yesterday was Mark's 35th birthday, and we celebrated as much as Evie and Nora would let us! Great Yiayia and a few friends came over for pizza, carrot cake, ice cream and a few gifts. Here's my favorite picture from the day - Mark with his little "mini me" who is becoming quite the Daddy's girl! I never thought she'd leave my arms/hip, but Nora is showing her independent streak lately. She also took more steps on Mark's birthday than ever before! Our little girl is growing up!

Here's another adorable photo of Evie, Nora and their little friend Reece looking out our front window. Aren't they so cute?! Evie spent half the night chasing Reece around our house with him squealing as he ran/waddled!

We hope you had a wonderful birthday Daddy! We love you!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Never In a Million Years ...

Never in a million years did I think I'd one day say: "Evie, stop strangling your sister with my underwear." But, nonetheless, the day has come. Serisously, it's no wonder I've eaten six of the cookies the girls and I baked today! Here are the girls "cuddling" in Evie's bed. Thankfully, no stray underwear were in sight.

Here they are enjoying my cookies - no wait, make that a bag of 100-calorie cookies. My usual cookies. Today I went above and beyond and made actual cookies (OK, so they were already formed into nice little squares and all I had to do was separate and bake - whatever - they actually went into the oven!)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

"My Mountains"

Evie is already missing "my mountains" as she called them the week we spent in Breckenridge! Last night, I pointed west to show her where they are but reminded her how long and exhausting the drive was - has she forgotten her 3 a.m. breakdown already? We haven't! Despite the perils of driving 12 hours with a 2 year old and a 1 year old,  it was an amazing vacation. As our many, many photos will show you ... starting with this lovely family shot where Nora seems to be missing - oh no, there she is, behind her Daddy's head!

Here are the girls with Yiayia and Papou on the 4th of July on the balcony of our condo. Breckenridge had a wonderful parade we all went to, dressed in our red, white and blue!

Looks like Mom got some alone time with Nora - both girls spent the entire week vying for her attention.

Or mine of course! Nora's birthday was July 2, the day we arrived in Breckenridge. No good photos from that day as we spent most of it driving. We did take a nice detour in Denver to see the Herbs before their new arrival, Charlie, was born. More on Charlie later ...

Evie and Nora really bonded on the trip with Great Yiayia or "Other Yiayia" as Evie insists on calling her. I like Great Yiayia better, but there's no arguing with Miss Evelyn.

Obviously, she wins most arguments - here she is drinking my Chai tea from Starbucks. I'm pretty sure tea has to be better for her than her Mommy's other favorite drinks (Diet Coke and wine!), but it's still not the preferred beverage for a 2 year old!

The scenery was just gorgeous in Breckenridge. Both girls loved the water ...

It took a lot not to let Evie go swimming in the river. I love this picture of Evie and her Papou with their baseball hats.

We did do some swimming - fortunately, there were a few heated pools!

Melina and Matthew also joined us on vacation for a few days. Here are the happy newlyweds at an art fair in Breckenridge.

And here are the four of us after our white-water rafting trip. Mark and I jumped out and floated down the last rapid - scary but exhilarating! I would definitely go again, maybe on an advanced course next time?! I think my "stream team" days from Nixa really paid off!

We also explored surrounding areas ... The guys golfed in Keystone and here were are at a park in Frisco. Love the sunglasses Evie!

The Yiayias with Papou at the park ... I believe Nora was somewhere eating mulch ...

Oh here she is, eating bread all relaxed in Mommy's arms! I think she's "talking" on the phone, her new trick!

On our way back to Kansas City, we stopped again in Denver to meet Charles William Herb - Charlie - Ella's new little brother. Evie was very interested in the baby and the fact that he's a brother while she has a sister ...

And finally - after a long day and night of driving - we made it home early Saturday morning. The girls have been thrilled to be back home (don't they look so big here?!), although Evie misses her mountains and both girls miss their Yiayia and Papou, Other Yiayia, Meena and Matchu! Thank you all for a wonderful trip!