Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Our Evie

While everyone else was quick to post photos of their smiling toddlers on the first day of school (mother's day out), I hesitated. Why you might ask? Well, now you know! Hello, no smiles here! Instead, Evie was crying - no, sobbing - as we left for school. Fortunately, the sobs subsided by the time we parked and she was waving and saying "hi" and "bye-bye" to everyone by the time we reached her classroom. But still, come on - can't you give your Mommy the photo op she was looking for? Guess not!

Here, though, Evie was much more obliging. I guess because she was in her element - covered in pudding and loving every minute. Nora couldn't even escape the pudding - I found traces on her jammies. Thanks big sister Evie!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Smiles for your Monday morning ...

Just wanted to share a few adorable pics of the girls from the past week or so. How can you not smile when you see this picture of the girls in their matching dresses? Nora is smiling all the time now and cooing too. Evie is making the rest of us smile with her constant chatter - every day is something new. Right now, she loves saying the names of colors, fruit and her ABC's!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Nora the Supermodel

Here's a sneak peak at Nora's newborn photos! Isn't she lovely?! She's also a bit of a chunk. Went to the doctor today for her 2-month visit and she's 12 lbs, 8 oz - 90th percentile! She's also 90th for length and head. Evie's in the 90th percentile now too for weight, but only 55th for length and (eek!) 95th for head! We should've guessed when we had to buy her a size 5 (as in for 5 year-olds!) helmet for the bike trailer! Despite the "cheeks and chins," our girls are growing up perfectly healthy and absolutely adorable! Look at that hair!! BTW, our photographer is Blaine Fisher. Check out his website and blog.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Our favorite month!

September is finally here! Nora is 2 months old and so, so cuddly and, yes, chubby! Cheeks and chins! Love it! Her next doctor's appointment is Sept. 14 so we'll post weight and length then. I'm guessing she's growing just fine, ha! She's also doing some great sleeping, waking up only once to eat in the middle of the night and then going back down until 8 or even 9 a.m.! That will probably change this very night ... spoke too soon!

Here, Evie is showing Nora how "cowgirl's gotta have a horse" is done right! My dad has been singing this song to Evie since Day 1 and Nora too, so we're thinking they may have to be cowgirls for Halloween. The search for costumes is on!
I'm trying to keep this quick as I'm working on everything Evie needs for school tomorrow. Yes, that's right, Miss Evelyn is starting mother's day out tomorrow - every Tuesday and Thursday from 9-1:30. I'm excited for her (and me!) but also nervous. I hope she makes friends and has fun and is nice to her teachers and gets help with her lunch if she needs it ... OK, enough from the neurotic mother. Here's Evie with her new backback, looking adorable! Once on, she won't take it off so I'm debating taking it to school tomorrow ... maybe just the lunch box. Now off to pick out her first day of school outfit! I'll post pics tomorrow after her first day!