Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Daddy time!

I just love this picture from today of Evie and Mark on a carousel at the mall. Don't they look so cute together?! And what an adorable grin on Evie's face! She was having a blast. Hope everyone found an equally fun way to spend the rainy afternoon! Hope to post some pictures of Nora's nursery soon - it's finally coming together! Until then ... have a great week!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

July with the Cowies!

We have been very lucky to have Mark off work the entire month of July, hanging with his girls. As we're not a family to spend all our time at home, we've been out and about, introducing Nora to Kansas City and trying to wear out Miss Evie. Here she is after a picnic at Loose Park - the only way to eat out with a toddler!

Here Evie and Nora are enjoying some sweet sister time. A few minutes later, Evie nearly trampled Nora in her effort to reach me. Yikes!

And here is one of my favorite recent pictures - Evie in front of a mass of sunflowers at the Deanna Rose Farmstead - my new favorite family obsession! Free and so much fun, Evie had a blast checking out the baby goats, ringing the bells by the barn and running around the beautiful park.
Now only 2 more weeks until Mark's back at school and the 3 of us girls are on our own. I hope we survive without too many tears. I'm actually starting back to work next week, working on a freelance magazine project. Wish us all luck!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Close friends and family shouldn't be surprised that my girls already have several matching outfits and dresses. If I have my way, they'll be coordinated - in fact, the entire family will - for life! Here's a photo from today of the girls in adorable ensembles from the Herb family in Denver. Although taking a picture of both girls at the same time isn't easy right now, they sure do look cute! Except for the odd grimace on Nora's face, the lack of a smile on Evie's and the fact that I of course had to be in the picture to prevent any random acts of sisterly violence (aka extra hard "squeezes" from Evie!) Thanks Becks!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

So far, so good ...

We've been home 5 days now and besides the fact that Evie just threw a crazy fit for no reason, we all seem to be adjusting fairly well! Nora has been pretty peaceful - lots of eating and sleeping, and the nights have been typical for a newborn, nothing to complain about so far. We took Evie and Nora to Loose Park yesterday for a picnic and playtime at the splash park, and today Evie and I went to storytime and then we all had lunch outside at the Mixx.

Here are a couple of sweet pictures of Nora with her eyes open! She enjoyed her first sponge bath and, like her big sister Evie, looks pretty in pink, don't you think?

Speaking of pink, check out Evie in her new princess pajamas from Yiayia - and her tiara from Aunt Melina - playing with all her "friends" in her new room. Isn't she adorable? I have to remind myself that some days, as the terrible two's seem to have started a bit early for Miss Evie!

Then, finally, here's a silly picture of me enjoying my first drink in what seems like years ... I hadn't showered all day and was still recovering from the joys of childbirth, but, still, that mojito tasted good!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Introducing Nora Annabel Cowie!

Nora Annabel Cowie was born at 2:06 p.m. July 2 after only about 8 hours at the hospital! Yipee!! She weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces and is 20 inches long - the biggest baby in the nursery that day and 5 babies were born all within a few hours. As you can see from the pictures, she has tons of really dark hair, chubby cheeks and great coloring - very rosy! So far, she's been wonderful - a very good eater and super snuggly. Last night was our first night at home with her, and we didn't get a ton of sleep, but both Nora and Evie eventually slept until 8 a.m., so that was good, and Mommy, Nora and Evie all just took a 2 hour nap, so that's good too!

More pictures to come soon. Aunt Melina took some great ones with Evie meeting her new sister ...