Thursday, May 21, 2009

What personality!

We just had to share this picture of Evie from this morning ... bed head, shades and not one, but two binkies! A total mess, still trying to wake up before Daddy left for work. Hilarious!
Now one from the park yesterday in her new outfit from Cousin Reen in California. She is growing up so fast and getting braver each day, climbing the jungle gym but still wanting Mommy before going down the slide. That's OK with me - I don't want her growing up too fast!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Reece Michael Lorei is finally here!

Our circle of friends has a new addition! Reece Michael Lorei was born on May 18 to proud parents - and good, good friends - Ashley and Ryan Lorei. Everyone is perfect and healthy, and isn't Reece just adorable?! Holding him today made me that much more excited to be holding our newest addition in just 6 weeks or so! Congrats again Ash and Ryan. Reece, welcome to the world. I hope our girls don't drive you crazy in the years to come : ) !!