Sunday, October 16, 2011

Soccer and Lucky Seven

Friends of ours recently started a casual (free!) soccer league/team that meets weekly at a nearby park. The girls and I went for the first practice on Wednesday and had a great time! Nora was only interested for about 15 minutes, and then she was off in the sandbox, but Evie loved it. Aunt Melina also loved watching her nieces take part in an athletic activity (she doesn't consider dance a sport!)

Also of importance in our family, Mark and I celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary over the weekend. My parents took the girls to Nixa for two nights so we could really live it up - by live it up, I mean sleep in, watch whatever we want on TV, go see a move IN THE THEATRE, and go out to a fancy dinner. We had so much fun! Mark is on his way to pick up the girls now. I have to say, I had such a lovely weekend with Mark, but I'm really ready to have my entire family home again!

Aunt Melina bought the girls both soccer balls and sporty t-shirts!

Love Evie's smile in this pic. You can tell she's having fun!

Evie and her "Aunt Meena"

All the kids gathered round - aren't they cute!

Mark and me before our anniversary dinner!

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